Fandoms, ships and more
About Me

- Autistic
- Bisexual/Bigender (Bi^2, if you will)
- Pronouns are whatever (she/her is my default, but IDC what you use personally)
- Sagittarius
- Old enough to remember a time before Google ever existedSpecial interests: Gems/Rocks/Minerals, ancient history, medieval historyI do a lot of things around fandom. Mainly fic, some art, some translation work and song adaptations. Known for making many elaborate theories about games I love. Will launch into a thousand spiels about Tales of Graces f and BerZesty's lore if you let me.Please understand that I struggle a lot with communication. I can't be expected to just "read the room" or divine your intent/feelings if you don't tell me in clear words. I'll certainly make efforts to, but it would spare me a lot of anxiety and you a lot of frustration if you just practice clear, direct, honest communication with me. If you have a problem with me, let's talk about it like adults.
Fave/Relatable Characters
Characters that I identify with for any number of deeply personal reasons, largely due to similar life experiences, interests, behavior, etc. Or I just like them a lot.
"Literally Me" Tier Characters
Characters who I can point to and say "They're literally me." AKA the tier where I'm closest to kinning without actually kinning. Generally these are characters whose mannerisms, history, trauma, etc reflect my own to such a picture perfect degree that I feel Seen (TM) and maybe mildly called out.
Characters I'm Married To
A small collection of characters that I collectively refer to as my boyfriends/husbands/wives/girlfriends. Make of my romantic tastes in people what you will from this list. Not an exhaustive list.

Too many to count and constantly swaps around on my Twitter feed, but here's a general list.Main: "Tales of" series, Idolish7, Free!, Final Fantasy XIV, Genshin ImpactAuxiliary: Fullmetal Alchemist, Pandora Hearts, Yuri on Ice, TWEWY, Zero Escape, Legend of Zelda, Persona 5
My Armada of Ships

As can hopefully be inferred from the above pic, yes I have problematic ships. No, I don't give a fuck what you think about them.The following list will be arranged by fandom. Ships with an emphasis to them are considered OTPs.
"Tales of" Series
Phantasia: Cress/Mint, Chester/Arche, Cress/ChesterAbyss: Luke/Tear, Guy/Luke, Asch/NataliaSymphonia (+ DotNW): Lloyd/Colette, Genis/Presea, Zelos/Sheena, Lloyd/Zelos, Ratatosk/Marta, Emil/Marta, Ratatosk/Marta/EmilVesperia: Yuri/Estelle, Flynn/Yuri, Flynn/Estelle, Yuri/Estelle/FlynnInnocence: Spada/Luca, Spada/Luca/Iria, Luca/IriaHearts R: Hisui/LithiaGraces: Richard/Asbel, Hubert/Pascal, Malik/FourierXillia 1 & 2: Jude/Milla, Alvin/Jude, Alvin/Jude/Milla, Ludger/Jude, Ludger/Alt!MillaZestiria & Berseria: Sorey/Mikleo, Rose/Alisha, Dezel/Rose, Zaveid/Edna, Zaveid/Lailah, Velvet/Eleanor, Rokurou/Velvet, Rokurou/Velvet/Eleanor, Eizen/Rokurou, Rokurou/EleanorCrestoria: Vicious/Kanata, Vicious/Misella, Vicious/Aegis, Kanata/Misella, Yuna/Misella, Vicious/Kanata/Misella, I can be talked into shipping Vicious with anyone really he's literally a bike
Iori/Riku, Tamaki/Sougo, Gaku/Tenn, Ryuu/Tenn, Gaku/Ryuu, TRG OT3, Nagi/Mitsuki, Yamato/Mitsuki, Yamato/Nagi, Yamato/Nagi/Mitsuki, Momo/Yuki, Banri/Yuki, ZOOL OT4, Touma/Haruka, Torao/Minami, Gaku/Tsumugi
Rin/Haruka, Makoto/Haruka, Nagisa/Rei, Hiyori/Ikuya, Asahi/Kisumi, Natsuya/Nao, Haruka/Ikuya
Ardbert/WoL, Aymeric/Lucia, Aymeric/Estinien, Estinien/Ysayle, Estinien/Alphinaud, Gaius/Alphinaud, Cid/Alphinaud, Cid/Nero, Urianger/Thancred, Runar/Y'shtola, Gaia/Ryne, Hermes/WoL, Fandaniel/WoL, Zenos/Asahi, Erich/Themis, Emet/Hyth, Emet/Hyth/Azem, WoL/Alisaie(I subscribe to the HC that Alphi is trans and also like to joke/believe that he has an old man harem)
Genshin Impact
Chongyun/Xingqiu, Diluc/Kaeya (fixed pref), Childe/Zhongli (fixed pref), Xiao/Venti, Jean/Lisa, Childe/Lumine, Zhongli/Xiao, Xiao/Ganyu, Xiao/Lumine, Ningguang/Beidou, Ei/Yae
Twisted Wonderland
Deuce/Ace, Malleus/Lilia, Trey/Riddle, Leona/Ruggie, Jamil/Kalim
Other Ships
Galo/Lio, Gueira/Meis, Edward/Winry, Roy/Riza, Inuyasha/Kagome, Miroku/Sango, Sesshomaru/Rin, Victor/Yuuri, Otabek/Yuri, Gilbert/Oz, Break/Sharon, Break/Liam, Elliot/Leo, Jack/Glenn, Joshua/Neku, Akira/Akechi, Yusuke/Makoto, Makoto/Haru (P5), Akira/Yusuke, Junpei/Akane, Carlos/Akane, Junpei/Akane/Carlos, Link/Zelda (Skyward Sword and BotW), Bakugou/Deku, Todoroki/Momo, Kirishima/Mina, Kaminari/Jiro, Mirio/Tamaki, Mirio/Nejire/Tamaki, Endeavor/Hawks, Dean/Castiel, Chrom/M!Robin, Linhardt/Caspar, Dimitri/Edelgard, Sylvain/Felix, Hubert/Ferdinand, Leo/Takumi, Ray/Emma, Norman/Emma, Norman/Emma/Ray, Kyo/Tohru, Yuki/Tohru, Kyo/Tohru/Yuki, MadoHomu, KyouSaya
And many other ships I'm either forgetting or don't see enough to feature here. Feel free to DM and ask.
Before You Follow
I'm RT/RB heavy on Twitter, so if that bothers you I suggest turning those off
Though I do try to keep it to a minimum, I do RT/talk about assorted fandom discourse because if it's not affecting me, it's usually affecting one of my friends, so it's important to me
I also RT/talk about autistic advocacy and neurodivergent issues because, as an autistic person, those are personally important to me as well
I'm pro-ship and anti-censorship (obviously, see 2nd point). To that end, expect to see a lot of age gap ships specifically, among other mild problematic flavors (see ship list)
Although I endeavor to not actively RT/like blatantly NSFW art on Twitter, I may still RT/talk about mildly NSFW topics and suggestive art
I tend to make autistic HCs about characters I like or relate to. Some of these may even be YOUR favorites. If this upsets you, consider getting better opinions
I block liberally and on-sight and always do it manually so if I have you blocked, it's intentional. If you think I've blocked you in error though, feel free to DM me.
Please click here for a small list of NOTPs/ships I prefer to not perceive.
Obviously, there's nothing wrong with liking these ships. You do you. I do my part by muting the ship names and avoid following people who post a whole lot about them. I also don't post about them often if at all because that would be silly. This list is merely for your reference as some of these are ships that, while I'll tolerate seeing in small doses, I would REALLY prefer to not be talked to about.Some of these I don't like because of traumatizing experiences I've had with their shippers, others are just simply at the "I see them so much they drown out my actual OTP" level of annoying. Please don't take any of this personally if one of these is your OTP.
- SouRinVoltron
- KlanceIdolish7
- TennHaru (romantic)
- TouRikuSteven Universe
- LapidotTales of
- Ristelle
- Sorey/womenFire Emblem
- Chrom/F!Robin
Feel free to add me on any of these! Always looking for active friends!
i7 FC: 073 066 086Switch: 6144 1300 7252PSN: DTKirveeFFXIV: Kirvee Esdrea @ Midgardsormr, Aether DC
Haruka Isumi @ Brynhildr, Crystal DCGenshin UID: 614 479 084Twisted Wonderland: rCyb44ae
Various translations I've done for various fandoms.
Title | Fandom | Media |
Desolation World Timeline | Tales of Berseria | World Guidance Book |
Sormik & Edna-Eizen-Zaveid Relationship | Tales of Zestiria | 20th Anniversary Memoria Book |
DLC Skit 16 | Tales of Graces f | Skit |
Ephinean Alphabet | Tales of Graces f | Complete Guide |
Psi Glossary Blurb | Tales of Graces f | Complete Guide |
Amarcian Blurb | Tales of Graces f | Tales of Encyclopedia(?) |
Foselos & the Aquasphere Early Concept Art | Tales of Graces f | Day 1 Edition Artbook |
The Flow of Eleth | Tales of Graces f | Scenario Book |
Fodra, Humanoids and the Shuttle | Tales of Graces f | Scenario Book |
Untitled Doujin | Tales of Graces f | Doujin (Artist/Circle: Yagibe) |
Little/Fodra Queen Info Part 1 | Tales of Graces f | 20th Anniversary Memoria Book |
Chikai no Hana/The Oath Flower Volume 1 | Tales of Graces f | Light Novel |
Theories or other lore-related info dumping I've done for various fandoms.